
Text for tooltip
Drawing of Fupicat looking at the camera with a shy expression.
Fupicat's profile picture


fupi - he/they -

About me

(fupi) - he/they - your bff - 2003

-- flupesquete??

> too many passion projects

> too little time

> literally your best friend

> always one step away from desperation

> furry in denial

> my friends are my life

> remix culture is beautiful

> 60% of vocabulary is inside jokes

Um desenho do Fupicat: um gato laranja com barriga e barbinha branca, óculos grandes e uma cauda volumosa de ponta branca.
Things I do Things I do

Godot Engine fanboy

Scratch connoisseur

Wannabe Youtuber

Wannabe artist

Music and remixes

...I do everything!

-- making stuff for the www

Talk to me

Before you message
please don't be horny, and if you're my friend, do not tell me to kms as a joke ;3


thanks so much to all these wonderful people who've sent me fanart!! <33
if you made your own fanart and want me to add it here, contact me!!

VVVVVV - Presenting VVVVVV